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Nedimyer - RotoBaller

365 articles

Sam Nedimyer is not to be confused with Washington Nationals outfielder Bryce Harper.


By Keith Allison on Flickr (Originally posted to Flickr as "Wei-Yin Chen") [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 25 (Part 1)

Clayton Kershaw.  It’s pretty clear he will win the NL Cy Young award and he may even take home MVP hardware as well.  The dude has fun with Jimmy Kimmel on late night and he’s an undeniable giver to charity.  He can now cap on an improbable, up and down fantasy playoff win to his […]

By OctopusHat on Flickr (Originally posted to Flickr as "5th Starter?") [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 24 (Part 2)

My two-week fantasy playoff game is going terribly.  My opponent not only swept me during the regular season, but he is now pummeling me to a fantasy pulp.  To make matters worse, he is using my streamers strategy to perfection.  It seems he doesn’t sleep because every time I want to pick up a pitcher […]

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 9/10

Below are my FanDuel picks for today.  As always, remember to check your players to make sure they are in their MLB starting lineups before lineups lock, and make sure you are doing your own research too with our very own BvP Tool for optimal performance! The most successful daily leaguers are grinders who are constantly tweaking their lineups as the day goes […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 24 (Part 1)

Is it possible that the Oakland Athletics and Detroit Tigers both outmaneuvered themselves at the trade deadline?  For a team that has the league’s best run differential at +153, right now the A's look like the most unassuming and least intimidating of all the playoff teams. Snagging Jeff Samardzija and Jason Hammel from the Cubs […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 23 (Part 2)

When I woke up Monday morning to tweak my fantasy squad I was confused to see that a bracket-style game was projecting from the computer screen into my mind.  At first I didn’t comprehend what was going on, but then I eventually put two and two together to realize that the playoffs had started.  Had […]

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 9/3

I grew up and lived in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area for quite some time.  Although I no longer live there, this season has been quite fun to see all the Orioles and Nationals fans duke it out via social media or at the game considering that Baltimore is only a mere 35 miles away […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 23 (Part 1)

We have some twenty five or so games left for most teams and it looks pretty clear that the central in both leagues will come down to a photo finish.  Below are some of my Week 23 picks for starting pitchers to consider streaming off the waiver wire. Some of these pitchers may be two-start […]

By Keith Allison on Flickr (Originally posted to Flickr as "Wei-Yin Chen") [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 22 (Part 2)

This is a baseball article no doubt.  But let’s take a minute to recognize that the college football season kicks off tonight with a bang.  To start the NCAA season again in what seems to be a new tradition, the ninth ranked South Carolina Gamecocks will host the twenty-first ranked Texas A&M Aggies.  As a […]

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 8/27

I went golfing yesterday with friends I haven’t seen in quite some time and I took a few thoughts from the outing.  First, it seems the weather around the country is absolutely gorgeous so perhaps attendance in games will be up over the next few days.  Also, after talking baseball with my friends for nearly […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 22 (Part 1)

Well Mr. Burns had done it/The power plant had won it/With Roger Clemens clucking all the while/Mike Scioscia’s tragic illness made us smile/While Wade Boggs laid unconscious on the barroom tile/We’re talking softball A friend of mine posted those beautiful lyrics on social media last week, and I knew it could only mean one thing: The Simpson’s marathon […]


Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 21 (Part 2)

It’s here.  The date is finally here.  Starting at 10am today on the FXX channel, The Simpsons marathon begins.  Every single Simpsons episode in order will be shown.  Those of you who have remained loyal to my quirky articles know how much I throw in subtle references to the iconic show.  I could not be […]

Live Q&A Fantasy Baseball Chat with Sam Nedimyer - 8/20 at 2pm EST

Have a Burning Fantasy Baseball Question? RotoBaller Sam Nedimyer (@Real_Samuel_L) will be answering all of your fantasy baseball questions on Wednesday August 20th from 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST. Come join in on the fun, and get your fantasy baseball trade, waiver wire and playoff questions answered.   We'll do our best to answer all questions that are asked.   If […]

By http://www.flickr.com/photos/mel_rowling/ [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 8/20

We live in a golden age of fantasy baseball.  Pitching is at its best in nearly 100 years which means hitting is at a premium.  This also means that hitting and scoring has become more unique which has in turn translated to more defensive measures such as shifts.  Most people I talk to about analytics […]

Source: Sarah Glenn/Getty Images North America

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 21 (Part 1)

This season could present one of the best finishes in recent memory.  As far as division winners, it’s becoming clear that Washington and Baltimore will more than likely take theirs, but every other division race could come down to the final days. As for the wild card chases, it appears the frontrunners are set for […]

by David Kadlubowski, azcentral sports

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 20 (Part 2)

Such a shame to hear about Robin Williams.  I was such a big fan of his growing up, and when I got older I was able to see a lot of his more dramatic roles.  Always one to make people smile, Williams jumped into serious roles a lot more than I realized as a child. It's […]

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 8/13

Today has the potential to be a high scoring affair across the board.  The few solid pitching options involve starters against divisional rivals who have seen each other a lot of the last few years.  This should allow a plethora of options from the hitters today.  On the con side, you’ll need to be accurate […]

Source: Sarah Glenn/Getty Images North America

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 20 (Part 1)

It should be quite an odd week for owners that are streaming starting pitchers.  The Monday games will offer some not-so-good choices, but Wednesday has a nice selection.  As if the universe is toying with owners, the later games on Tuesday allow for better matchups for streamers than do the earlier games.  It’s like a King […]

By dbking on Flickr (Originally posted to Flickr as "IMG_6250") [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 19 (Part 2)

I have been viciously attacked by a summer cold recently and it appears this monstrosity of an infection has made it its goal to neutralize me where it hurts most: my mind.  As a result, I must apologize to my beloved readers as my wit right now may not even be up to Kenny Bania […]

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 8/6

Today is a packed day with FanDuel running separate tournaments for early and late games.  I changed my format around a little to reflect my picks based on the FanDuel groupings of early/late games.  Below are my DFS picks for the day, utilizing FanDuel budgets and scoring systems.  I don’t think I have to tell […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers For Week 19 (Part 1)

I was watching ESPN's weekly television series "Boston vs. New York" last night when I heard something crazy.  It appears that Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter is retiring.  This was news to me, as I have heard nothing about his retirement.  Were you all aware of this?! Below are some of my Week 19 picks for […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 18 (Part 2)

Maybe I’m just excited, but I’m expecting a copious amount of trades today.  Plenty of teams are still mathematically in the playoff races and the teams that are out of it seem to like the bargaining chips they have.  I’m most excited to see which GMs actually think acquiring a past-his-prime pitcher for top prospects […]

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 7/30

I saw an amazing thread on Reddit Tuesday night entitled “It’s That Time of Year: How does your league keep the bottom half from checking out.”  Seeing as how this is a giant problem I have with nearly 80% of all leagues I play in, I decided to take a peek at what some people […]

By slgckgc on Flickr (Original version) UCinternational (Crop) [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers For Week 18 (Part 1)

Around this time every year the projected pitchers for a lot of teams two days in advance seem to be the same starting pitcher: TBD.  Now is usually the time when teams have decided whether to be buyers or sellers for the trade deadline, so it’s never been uncommon to see teams make call ups […]

By Keith Allison [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 17 (Part 2)

Tampa Rays manager Joe Maddon has never been one to follow conventional thinking.  The Rays, winners of their last seven, just completed a two-game sweep of the Cardinals in St. Louis, and Maddon’s starting lineups for the series had his starting pitchers hitting eighth followed by Kevin Kiermaier in the nine-hole.  What’s funny about Maddon’s lineup choices […]

FanDuel MLB Lineup Picks, Advice & Sleepers for 7/23

Congratulations.  You’ve been delegated with the enviably task of navigating through the following garbled mess to attempt to make daily fantasy selections based on my [somewhat] extensive knowledge of baseball matchups.  Selections are based on budget totals and scoring systems used on FanDuel.  Below are some of my DFS sleeper lineup picks and player recommendations […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 17 (Part 1)

I’m pretty ecstatic that All-Star Week has concluded, as I took it on the chin over the last three days.  I honestly can’t remember having a worse weekend with pitcher projections.  I was so shell-shocked by Saturday afternoon that I locked myself in my bedroom, turned off all baseball alerts and proceeded to play the […]

Jeff Locke (SP, PIT) - Waiver Wire Pickups

BALLER MOVE: Add in Most Leagues ANALYSIS: If the rebounding Jeff Locke is still available in your league, you better Locke him up.  His biggest problem last year was his inability to go deep into games due to high pitch counts as a result of walking a ton of batters.  It appears his stint in […]

Chris Young (SP, SEA) - Waiver Wire Pickups

BALLER MOVE: Add in Very Deep Leagues ANALYSIS: What to make of Chris Young?  With an 8-6 record and a 3.15 ERA it would appear that Young is on his way to a remarkable season.  In all likelihood if he does continue to win games and stymie hitters the way he has, then his year […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers: Post All Star Break

  We’ve officially entered the unofficial second half of the 2014 season.  Not only is MLB primed for some fantastic races, but it appears most fantasy leagues are still there for the taking.  This puts some added pressure to make sure your streamers are the correct choices from here on out.  Below are some of […]

Starting Pitcher Waiver Wire Streamers for Week 15 (Part 2)

How about that Germany-Brazil game?  Talk about a beatdown.  In terms of surprising defeats in international sports history, it would rank second behind Rocky knocking out Drago in the fifteenth round.  Watching the fans’ reactions in Brazil eerily reminded me of the Soviet Politburo accepting the inevitable after Rocky’s improbable victory over the 6'5'', 261-pound […]

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