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Tommy Bell - RotoBaller

431 articles

Fantasy Sports analyst for MLB, NFL, and PGA. Season-long and DFS expert with years of experience, analyzing, and writing. Growing sports handicapper in the aforementioned leagues as well as NCAA Football and Basketball. Find me on Twitter @BellRoto.


pablo lopez fantasy baseball rankings starting pitcher draft sleepers MLB injury news

Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 6/7/21 (Premium Content)

Hey there, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 11, and when I look across the MLB Gambling Twitter landscape, I'm relieved to see that I'm not the only one who is waiting for the curtain to fall on whatever satirical act is going on for the first 2+ months of this MLB season. It […]


paul goldschmidt fantasy baseball rankings draft sleepers MLB injury news

Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 6/6/21 (Premium Content)

Welcome back, RotoBallers! The start of Week 10 is upon us, and it coincides with the end of May and the start of June (on Tuesday). The change in month is very much welcomed, because while it is obviously completely arbitrary, it gives a numbers and trends guy like me new hope for a turnaround […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 6/3/21 (Premium Content)

Welcome back, RotoBallers! The start of Week 10 is upon us, and it coincides with the end of May and the start of June (on Tuesday). The change in month is very much welcomed, because while it is obviously completely arbitrary, it gives a numbers and trends guy like me new hope for a turnaround […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 6/2/21 (Premium Content)

Welcome back, RotoBallers! The start of Week 10 is upon us, and it coincides with the end of May and the start of June (on Tuesday). The change in month is very much welcomed, because while it is obviously completely arbitrary, it gives a numbers and trends guy like me new hope for a turnaround […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 6/1/21 (Premium Content)

Welcome back, RotoBallers! The start of Week 10 is upon us, and it coincides with the end of May and the start of June (on Tuesday). The change in month is very much welcomed, because while it is obviously completely arbitrary, it gives a numbers and trends guy like me new hope for a turnaround […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/31/21 (Premium Content)

Welcome back, RotoBallers! The start of Week 10 is upon us, and it coincides with the end of May and the start of June (on Tuesday). The change in month is very much welcomed, because while it is obviously completely arbitrary, it gives a numbers and trends guy like me new hope for a turnaround […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/30/21 (Premium Content)

Hey RotoBallers! I felt like Week 8 was my time to get back on track. The number 8 is my go-to/lucky number after all. Well, it didn't quite turn out that way. Wednesday was a great day, but everything that surrounded it, including a bloody Sunday, brought us crashing back down to earth. I'm changing […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/29/21 (Premium Content)

Hey RotoBallers! I felt like Week 8 was my time to get back on track. The number 8 is my go-to/lucky number after all. Well, it didn't quite turn out that way. Wednesday was a great day, but everything that surrounded it, including a bloody Sunday, brought us crashing back down to earth. I'm changing […]


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Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/28/21 (Premium Content)

Hey RotoBallers! I felt like Week 8 was my time to get back on track. The number 8 is my go-to/lucky number after all. Well, it didn't quite turn out that way. Wednesday was a great day, but everything that surrounded it, including a bloody Sunday, brought us crashing back down to earth. I'm changing […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/27/21 (Premium Content)

Hey RotoBallers! I felt like Week 8 was my time to get back on track. The number 8 is my go-to/lucky number after all. Well, it didn't quite turn out that way. Wednesday was a great day, but everything that surrounded it, including a bloody Sunday, brought us crashing back down to earth. I'm changing […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/26/21 (Premium Content)

Hey RotoBallers! I felt like Week 8 was my time to get back on track. The number 8 is my go-to/lucky number after all. Well, it didn't quite turn out that way. Wednesday was a great day, but everything that surrounded it, including a bloody Sunday, brought us crashing back down to earth. I'm changing […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/25/21 (Premium Content)

Hey RotoBallers! I felt like Week 8 was my time to get back on track. The number 8 is my go-to/lucky number after all. Well, it didn't quite turn out that way. Wednesday was a great day, but everything that surrounded it, including a bloody Sunday, brought us crashing back down to earth. I'm changing […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/24/21 (Premium Content)

Hey RotoBallers! I felt like Week 8 was my time to get back on track. The number 8 is my go-to/lucky number after all. Well, it didn't quite turn out that way. Wednesday was a great day, but everything that surrounded it, including a bloody Sunday, brought us crashing back down to earth. I'm changing […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/23/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! It's crazy that we're already beginning Week 8 of the MLB season. Week 7 was a whirlwind for me and my Bell's Best Bets followers. When the dust settled, we went 26-23, but my propensity to wager on the favorites when I like their spots puts us down about 1.05 units on […]


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Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/22/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! It's crazy that we're already beginning Week 8 of the MLB season. Week 7 was a whirlwind for me and my Bell's Best Bets followers. When the dust settled, we went 26-23, but my propensity to wager on the favorites when I like their spots puts us down about 1.05 units on […]


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Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/21/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! It's crazy that we're already beginning Week 8 of the MLB season. Week 7 was a whirlwind for me and my Bell's Best Bets followers. When the dust settled, we went 26-23, but my propensity to wager on the favorites when I like their spots puts us down about 1.05 units on […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/20/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! It's crazy that we're already beginning Week 8 of the MLB season. Week 7 was a whirlwind for me and my Bell's Best Bets followers. When the dust settled, we went 26-23, but my propensity to wager on the favorites when I like their spots puts us down about 1.05 units on […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/19/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! It's crazy that we're already beginning Week 8 of the MLB season. Week 7 was a whirlwind for me and my Bell's Best Bets followers. When the dust settled, we went 26-23, but my propensity to wager on the favorites when I like their spots puts us down about 1.05 units on […]


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Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/18/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! It's crazy that we're already beginning Week 8 of the MLB season. Week 7 was a whirlwind for me and my Bell's Best Bets followers. When the dust settled, we went 26-23, but my propensity to wager on the favorites when I like their spots puts us down about 1.05 units on […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/17/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! It's crazy that we're already beginning Week 8 of the MLB season. Week 7 was a whirlwind for me and my Bell's Best Bets followers. When the dust settled, we went 26-23, but my propensity to wager on the favorites when I like their spots puts us down about 1.05 units on […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/16/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 7 of the MLB season already. Time flies when you're having fun! Week 6 wasn't a huge week by any means, but it was a positive one! That's all we can ask for, as we slowly build ourselves back up towards a profit on the season. […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/15/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 7 of the MLB season already. Time flies when you're having fun! Week 6 wasn't a huge week by any means, but it was a positive one! That's all we can ask for, as we slowly build ourselves back up towards a profit on the season. […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/14/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 7 of the MLB season already. Time flies when you're having fun! Week 6 wasn't a huge week by any means, but it was a positive one! That's all we can ask for, as we slowly build ourselves back up towards a profit on the season. […]


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Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/13/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 7 of the MLB season already. Time flies when you're having fun! Week 6 wasn't a huge week by any means, but it was a positive one! That's all we can ask for, as we slowly build ourselves back up towards a profit on the season. […]


Zack Wheeler - Fantasy Baseball Rankings, Draft Sleepers, MLB Injury nNews

Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/12/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 7 of the MLB season already. Time flies when you're having fun! Week 6 wasn't a huge week by any means, but it was a positive one! That's all we can ask for, as we slowly build ourselves back up towards a profit on the season. […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/11/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 7 of the MLB season already. Time flies when you're having fun! Week 6 wasn't a huge week by any means, but it was a positive one! That's all we can ask for, as we slowly build ourselves back up towards a profit on the season. […]


rafael devers fantasy baseball rankings draft sleepers MLB injury news DFS lineup picks

Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/10/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! We have made it to Week 7 of the MLB season already. Time flies when you're having fun! Week 6 wasn't a huge week by any means, but it was a positive one! That's all we can ask for, as we slowly build ourselves back up towards a profit on the season. […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/9/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! Welcome to Week 6 of Bell's Best Bets. The start of May is a welcomed transition for this series of articles! Following a near 10-unit bounce back at the end of Week 4, I was looking forward to keeping the train moving with a great Week 5. Unfortunately the best way I […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/8/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! Welcome to Week 6 of Bell's Best Bets. The start of May is a welcomed transition for this series of articles! Following a near 10-unit bounce back at the end of Week 4, I was looking forward to keeping the train moving with a great Week 5. Unfortunately the best way I […]


Bell's Best Bets - MLB Betting Picks for 5/7/21 (Premium Content)

What's up, RotoBallers! Welcome to Week 6 of Bell's Best Bets. The start of May is a welcomed transition for this series of articles! Following a near 10-unit bounce back at the end of Week 4, I was looking forward to keeping the train moving with a great Week 5. Unfortunately the best way I […]


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