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Ways to Make Your Fantasy Football Draft More Fun

Above all else, fantasy football should be fun. Believe it or not, the mood you set at the draft will determine whether or not your league sucks. I implore you, for yourself, your leaguemates and society as a whole, make your fantasy football draft more fun. There is always room for more fun.

There are a lot of ways to do this. We've seen various ways featured on prominent websites and television programs. Most of the time it involves some sort of consequences for the loser. And let's be honest if you finish last in your fantasy football league, you deserve to be ridiculed for the rest of the year.

Ridicule doesn't have to start at the end of a season and finish at the start of the next. If you won your fantasy football league, your victory tour should not start and finish during the off-season either. For everyone else, you shouldn't be left out either. Your league, your draft, the fantasy football community in general should always keep in mind that the purpose of fantasy sports is to win, but secondly, is to have fun. Don't forget that.

Editor's Note: Our incredible team of writers received five total writing awards and 13 award nominations by the Fantasy Sports Writers Association, tops in the industry! Congrats to all the award winners and nominees including Best NFL Series, MLB Series, NBA Writer, PGA Writer and Player Notes writer of the year. Be sure to follow their analysis, rankings and advice all year long, and win big with RotoBaller! Read More!


Top 5 Ways to Make Your Fantasy Football Draft More Fun

Before we get into that, there is one no-no when conducting your draft, please don't just have your crew pick numbers out of a hat. Please have a bit more creativity than that. First of all, hygienically speaking, picking numbers out of someone's sweat-stained, lice-ridden hat is an outbreak waiting to happen. Second of all, the suspense is all of about 15 seconds. Then the numbers are picked, your draft starts and hopefully no one has quit your league in that timespan because your league sucks.

For the sake of everyone, GET CREATIVE.

On to the list:


Destination Draft

We don't need a reason to get out of town, but we do need a reason to get out of town, if you catch my drift. Whether it's a trip to Vegas, Tahoe, or any other fine city that allows a seductive night life, or just a trip into the mountains. There is no better way to get closer to your group of friends, really geek out on some fantasy football and just relax than a Destination Draft. I do this in several of my leagues and--outside of my wife and kids' birthdays--are the weekends I look forward to more than anything else.


Loser Ridicule

You know what happens, the day of your fantasy football draft? The loser of your league, breathes a deep sigh of relief. His reign as court jester is over. Should he get off that easy? NO! What better way to let him/her know they still suck than by making his/her life intolerable for the duration of your draft. Whether you dress them up in embarrassing clothes during the draft and have them run the board or force them to do errands throughout the draft, the possibilities are limitless. Extra points, if the winner of your league gets to decide what errands the loser has to do during the draft.


Gamblers Unanimous

If you are in a town where gambling is legal, or where horse betting is legal, or where there is a Dave & Busters, here is a fun way to choose your draft order and get your league headed in the right direction for 2019. Pick a day where everyone can get together. Everyone starts out with an agreed-upon dollar amount. Set a time limit. Whoever ends up with the most cash, tokens, or whatever at the end of the time limit gets to choose their draft position, and work your way down the money order. Please gamble responsibly.


Scavenger Hunt

We tried this once in one of my leagues, and it was an utter disaster (No one is perfect). Executed correctly and this has all the makings of a great start to your draft day experience. Get someone not in your league, but closely affiliated to create a scavenger hunt for each player to participate. Draft order is chosen by who has found the most items.


White Elephant

While this may be extremely controversial, it is a great way to start your fantasy football season with the animus, competitiveness and passion you see on the football field. With your last pick in the draft, you can either make your own pick or steal the last position player selected from someone else's roster. It could be a gamble, it could end relationships, it is one of the Top 5 Ways To Make Your Fantasy Football Draft More Fun.

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