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Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/27/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

ESports DFS Lineup Picks
ESports DFS analysis and advice for League of Legends (LoL), Counter Strike Global Offensive (CSGO), Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS), eNASCAR.

Worlds Quarterfinals DFS Lineup Picks for 10/24/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. We are now onto the last two quarterfinal matchups  Worlds is the best time of year for League of Legends as we get to see the top teams from all the regions battle it out to see who is the best. […]

3 years ago

Worlds Quarterfinals DFS Lineup Picks for 10/23/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. We are now onto the quarterfinals of Worlds and that means we finally get into the best of 5 format. Worlds is the best time of year for League of Legends as we get to see the top teams from all […]

3 years ago

League Of Legends Worlds Quarterfinals DFS Lineup Picks for 10/22 - FanDuel, DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. We are now onto the quarterfinals of Worlds and that means we finally get into the best of 5 format. Worlds is the best time of year for League of Legends as we get to see the top teams from all […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/21/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. Missed the Dreamhack games today, but tomorrow we get a couple of REPUBLEAGUE games as Enterprise takes on ECLOT and LDLC gets K23 in what should be a very close matchup that we could see 3 maps in. So let's dive in […]

3 years ago

Worlds Group Stage DFS Lineup Picks for 10/18/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. We wrap up the Group Stage with Group D on this slate in which all teams will play 3 games. Worlds is the best time of year for League of Legends as we get to see the top teams from all […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/16/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. Phew, MadLions looked good, Dominated their match against EG and Woro came out swinging. Heroic was down early but was able to make the comeback and win both their maps. Complexity looked awful as they were completely shut out the first map […]

3 years ago

Worlds Group Stage DFS Lineup Picks for 10/16/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome back summoners, to another WORLDS EDITION article covering the six-game slate that involves only teams from Group B. I'm here to admit that C9 made me eat my words, as they do not suck. That would be FPX. Rogue put up a good fight just like C9 but lost the tiebreaker, and FPX had […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/15/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. Well, Movistar definitely disappointed me. They blew it in the first map and then got destroyed on map 2. Virtus Pro looked really good and I didn't have enough of them. Liquid took care of 9z with ease as expected and moved […]

3 years ago

Worlds Group Stage DFS Lineup Picks for 10/15/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome back summoners, to a WORLDS EDITION article covering the six-game slate that involves only teams from Group A. It's the most wonderful time of the year, with the best teams in League of Legends squaring off in BO1's during the group stage, in hopes of advancing to the knockout stage to play some BO5's […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/14/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. Once again, G2 has failed us, at this point, I'm not even surprised. Sadly we lost a great part of the slate in the MadLions vs EG game being canceled as I put the article out yesterday. OG was able to do […]

3 years ago

Worlds Group Stage DFS Lineup Picks for 10/13/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. Worlds Group Stage is finally upon us after one of the more memorable play-in stages in recent years. Worlds is the best time of year for League of Legends as we get to see the top teams from all the regions […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/13/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. The Blast Premier Fall Showdown is upon us, unfortunately, I missed opening day today, but we get right into it for tomorrow's games where we have G2 at massive odds taking on China's Lynn Vision. Next, we have OG against paiN Gaming, […]

3 years ago

Worlds Group Stage DFS Lineup Picks for 10/12/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. Worlds Group Stage is finally upon us after one of the more memorable play-in stages in recent years. Worlds is the best time of year for League of Legends as we get to see the top teams from all the regions […]

3 years ago

Worlds Group Stage DFS Lineup Picks for 10/11/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. Worlds Group Stage is finally upon us after one of the more memorable play-in stages in recent years. Worlds is the best time of year for League of Legends as we get to see the top teams from all the regions […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/8/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. NiP didn't quite do it in the fashion I had hoped but they got the job done and so did Vitality moving them onto the semi-finals. For tomorrow's set of games, we have Astralis taking on Fiend and G2 gets Ence in […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/7/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. Heroic was quite the letdown but FaZe has killed it the last two days beating OG and then destroying BiG today. For tomorrow we get a new set of teams as this is the first set of quarterfinals lined up for us. […]

3 years ago

LoL DFS Picks for 10/7: DraftKings, FanDuel League of Legends World Championships

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to my League of Legends DFS column! Day two went poorly for yours truly, but I did pick three of four main slate matches correctly. C9 pulled an HLE and sucked enough to make themselves optimal, and that hurt since I was counting on HLE sucking the most. PEACE and Infinity went […]

3 years ago

LoL DFS Picks for 10/6: DraftKings, FanDuel League of Legends World Championships

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to my League of Legends DFS column! Day one was a bit less exciting than we had hoped. A lot of the promised jungle assassins showed their faces but failed to live up to expectations. Curse of the sad bullet-time came out as expected, and it too proved to be difficult to […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (10/5/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. It has been a while, I was on vacation for a little while and when I came back the slates consisted of a bunch of best of 1's. But we finally get a good slate of Best of threes and I'm ready […]

3 years ago

LoL DFS Picks for 10/5: DraftKings, FanDuel League of Legends World Championships

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to my League of Legends DFS column! WORLDS IS HERE! I know I've been tweeting about it for seemingly forever, but this is our Superbowl (with better music production)! Regional strength is much the same as the recently completed EU Masters but on a larger scale. So you'll often find me referencing […]

3 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (9/7/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. The Playoffs for ESL are here and we have a couple of 2 game slates ahead of us. First off we have NiP taking Mousesports in our first quarter-finals game. Then we also have Complexity taking on Vitality! Today I'll be bringing […]

4 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (9/5/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. The final day of Group play is ahead of us. Gambit has locked in their spot in the playoffs. And the last two spots are up for grabs between the last 4 teams. Liquid, Entropiq, Furia, and NiP are all fighting for […]

4 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (9/3/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. It was almost an all sweep kind of day until Gambit made a big comeback and won maps 2 and 3 and stole the game away from Liquid. Furia barely squeaked by TeamOne as that was probably their only chance to get […]

4 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (9/2/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. Interesting first day of Group D it was, First map for Gambit was kept very close with TeamOne and then Map 2 ended in a blowout. Entropiq swept FURIA and Lack1 killed it at his cheap price. Lastly, ELiGe broke the slate […]

4 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (9/1/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. Group C is done, Fnatic, Mouz, and NaVi take the top 3 spots as they all won today and knocked their opponents out of contention. The 4th and final group is upon us and we got some good teams in here. First […]

4 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (8/31/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. I'm back with the final day of Group C, we have a great set of games all set to start at 2 pm EST! First off we have NaVi taking on FaZe in a battle for first place, BiG gets mousesports, and […]

4 years ago

EU Masters DFS Picks (8/30/21) - DraftKings League of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome back RotoBallers, to my League of Legends DFS column! It's been a long time, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to dust off my computer and get back in the LOL DFS game for a bit, I have missed it quite a bit. The EUM is back, and all the simmering undercurrents of the […]

4 years ago

LCS/LEC DFS Lineup Picks for 8/29/21 - FanDuel, DraftKings League Of Legends Daily Fantasy

Welcome to RotoBaller's coverage of League of Legends DFS for both FanDuel and DraftKings. Be on the lookout for coverage of the LPL, LCK, and LCS as well as we have some great analysts covering all LoL leagues for the playoffs. Today, I am focusing on the 2-game LCS/LEC slate with contests available on FanDuel […]

4 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offensive DFS Picks (8/28/21) - DraftKings Daily Fantasy

Welcome back, RotoBallers, to another edition of my Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DFS picks. The start to Group C was a banger, BiG made quick work of EG, Fnatic took NaVi to double OT on their first map together before falling and losing by way of sweep, and FaZe beat Mousesports in three maps. This time […]

4 years ago

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